“…Finally, SIMONe Peru is centered at the multifaceted JRO complex, where multiple‐technique and multiinstrument campaigns could be implemented in the future for cross‐validation purposes and, more importantly, to study processes that are difficult to address with a single instrument or technique. One of such future campaigns could target the simultaneous use of JRO's different observational modes: MST (60–85 km winds) (Lee et al., 2019), oblique daytime EEJ (95–110 km zonal winds) (Shume et al., 2005), nonspecular meteor echoes (90–110 km horizontal winds) (Oppenheim et al., 2009), and optical remote sensing instruments, e.g., Near Infrared Airglow Camera on the International Space Station or the Michelson Interferometer for Global High‐resolution Thermospheric Imaging on the ICON NASA explorer (e.g., Harding et al., 2017).…”