Rasmussen, M. H. 1997: Petrochemistry of Jurassic and Cretaceous tholeiites from Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, and their relation to Mesozoic magmatism in the Arctic. Polar Research 16(2), 37-62.A study of the whole-rock geochemistry and mineral chemistry of high-Ti02 Upper Jurassic and medium-TiOz Lower Cretaceous basalts from Kong Karls Land, Svalbard, is presented. Geochemical criteria indicate that the basalts are initial rifting tholeiites with weak signs of crustal contamination. The Upper Jurassic basalts appear to be associated with the Olga Rift, part of a trans-Barents rift system which failed to link the proto-Atlantic and proto-Arctic basins. The Lower Cretaceous basalts may be more closely related to initial rifting tholeiites on Franz Josef Land and Spitsbergen generated during the rifting stage of opening of the Canada Basin. During break-up of the Barents Shelf, the sequence of magma types corresponds to the pre-, syn-and post-rifting stages established in other areas of continental break-up. Evidence for a possible hot-spot or plume trail, extending from Siberia to the Yermak Plateau over 250 Ma, is assembled.