“…Defaunation, the sustained loss of distinct groups of animals (e.g. top predators, megafauna), is causing added losses of crucial ecosystem functions (Dirzo et al., ; Malhi et al., ; McCauley et al., ; Young, McCauley, Galetti, & Dirzo, ), such as dispersal of seeds for animal‐dependent plants (Fontúrbel et al., ; Markl et al., ). Central ecological consequences of these cascading effects include changes in vegetation structure (Bakker et al., ; Johnson, ), reductions of plant regeneration (Cordeiro & Howe, ; Terborgh et al., ) and carbon storage potential (Bello et al., ; Peres, Emilio, Schietti, Desmoulière, & Levi, ), and altered evolutionary regimes (Galetti et al., ; Valido, ).…”