Studies with streptomycetes in biocontrol programs and plant growth promotion are presented as technological alternatives for environmental sustainable production. This work has the objective of characterizing six isolates of streptomycetes aiming the production of extracellular enzymes, indole acetic acid, capacity for phosphate solubilization, root colonization and growth under different pH and salinity levels. For detection of enzyme activity the isolates were grown in culture media with the enzyme substrates as sole carbon source. The root colonization assay was performed on tomato seedlings grown on 0.6% water-agar medium. Growth under different pH and salinity levels was evaluated in AGS medium with 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, and 3% NaCl, and pH levels adjusted to 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, and 7.0. All isolates produced the enzymes amylase, catalase, and lipase, as well as indole acetic acid. With one exception (AC-92), all isolates presented cellulolytic and chitinolytic activity, and only AC-26 did not show xylanolytic activity. The isolates AC-147, AC-95, and AC-29 were the highest producers of siderophores. The isolates AC-26 and AC-29 did not show capacity for phosphate solubilization. All isolates colonized tomato roots in vitro, and AC-92 grew under all pH and salinity levels tested. The streptomycetes tested were considered as potential biocontrol and plant growth promotion agents. Key words: actinomycetes, indole acetic acid, extracellular enzymes, siderophores
CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE ESTREPTOMICETOS COM POTENCIAL PARA PROMOÇÃO DE CRESCIMENTO DE PLANTAS E BIOCONTROLERESUMO: Estudos com estreptomicetos em programas de biocontrole e promoção de crescimento de plantas são alternativas tecnológicas de produção sustentáveis ao ambiente. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar seis isolados de estreptomicetos quanto à produção de enzimas extracelulares, ácido indolacético e sideróforos, capacidade de solubilização de fosfatos, colonização radicular e de crescimento em diferentes níveis de pH e salinidade. Para detectar a produção das enzimas extracelulares, os isolados foram cultivados em meio de cultura contendo os substratos dessas enzimas, como única fonte de carbono. Para determinar a capacidade de colonizar o sistema radicular, sementes de tomate foram cultivadas em meio ágar-água 0,6% e inoculadas com os estreptomicetos. O crescimento em diferentes níveis de salinidade e pH foram avaliados em meio de cultura AGS, com os níveis de NaCl 1%, 1,5%, 2%, 2,5% e 3% e níveis de pH ajustados em 5,0, 5,5, 6,0, 6,5 e 7,0.