In this thesis, I use coastal measurements of dissolved O 2 and inert gases to provide insight into the chemical, biological, and physical processes that impact the oceanic cycles of carbon and dissolved gases. Dissolved O 2 concentration and triple isotopic composition trace net and gross biological productivity. The saturation states of inert gases trace physical processes, such as air-water gas exchange, temperature change, and mixing, that affect all gases.First, I developed a field-deployable system that measures Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe gas ratios in water. It has precision and accuracy of 1 % or better, enables near-continuous measurements, and has much lower cost compared to existing laboratory-based methods. The system will increase the scientific community's access to use dissolved noble gases as environmental tracers.Second, I measured O 2 and five noble gases during a cruise in Monterey Bay, California. I developed a vertical model and found that accurately parameterizing bubble-mediated gas exchange was necessary to accurately simulate the He and Ne measurements. I present the first comparison of multiple gas tracer, incubation, and sediment trap-based productivity estimates in the coastal ocean. Net community production estimated from 15 NO -3 uptake and O 2 /Ar gave equivalent results at steady state. Underway O 2 /Ar measurements revealed submesoscale variability that was not apparent from daily incubations.Third, I quantified productivity by O 2 mass balance and air-water gas exchange by dual tracer ( 3 He/SF 6 ) release during ice melt in the Bras d'Or Lakes, a Canadian estuary. The gas transfer velocity at >90 % ice cover was 6 % of the rate for nearly ice-free conditions. Rates of volumetric gross primary production were similar when the estuary was completely ice-covered and ice-free, and the ecosystem was on average net autotrophic during ice melt and net heterotrophic following ice melt. I present a method for incorporating the isotopic composition of H 2 O into the O 2 isotope-based productivity calculations, which increases the estimated gross primary production in this study by 46-97 %.In summary, I describe a new noble gas analysis system and apply O 2 and inert gas observations in new ways to study chemical, biological, and physical processes in coastal waters.