Summary. Tolbutamide and glibenelamide (glyburide) were administered to normal hamsters, mice or rats in daily doses proportional to their body weight and equivalent to those used in human therapy. The animals were sacrificed after 6 to 8 weeks of treatment. Pieces of pancreas or isolated pancreatic islets were incubated or perifused in a medium containing glucose or tolbutamide, with or without leueine-114C or glucose-U-14C. The results indicate that the B cells of sulfonylurea treated animals synthesized and released less insulin and oxidized less glucose than those of insulin or saline treated controls. Accordingly, at least in the glibenelamide treated animals, the tolerance for glucose and the insulinogenie response to a glucose load in vivo were suppressed. Although insular function tended to normal after treatment was discontinued, the results reported in this paper do not support the generally aeeepted view that the lasting therapeutic effectiveness of the sulfonylureas is due to a beta-cytotrophie action.