Analysis of slow axonal transport in the sciatic and primary visual systems of rats with streptozotocininduced diabetes of 4-6 weeks duration showed impairment of the transport of neurofilament subunits, tubulin, actin, and a 30-and a 60-kDa polypeptide in both systems. The degree of impairment was not uniform. Transport of polypeptide constituents of the slow component b, such as the 30-and 60-kDa polypeptides, appeared to be more severely affected than the transport of constituents of the slow component a, such as neurorflaments. Morphometric analysis of sciatic axons revealed a proximal increase and a distal decrease of axonal cross-sectional area. It is proposed that impairment of axoplasmic transport and changes of axonal size are related. Transport impairment results in a larger number of neurofilaments, microtubules, and other polypeptides in the proximal region of the axon, which increases in size, whereas fewer neurofilaments, microtubules, and other polypeptides reach the distal axons that show a size decrease. Such changes in axonal transport and area are likely to occur in other diabetic animal models and in human diabetes.Peripheral nerve dysfunction is a common complication of human diabetes mellitus (1,2 (26, 27). Animals were sacrificed 25 days after labeling by intra-aortic perfusion of saline, and the primary visual and sciatic systems were dissected out. Optic nerves and tracts were cut into 3-mm segments; the chiasma, which measured approximately 2 mm, and the superior colliculus were also obtained. The sciatic system from the spinal motor roots to the tibial nerve was cut in 3-mm segments. Individual nerve segments were processed for electrophoresis and fluorography as previously described (27,28). Before electrophoresis, the total radioactivity of each segment was determined. The distribution of the radioactivity related to selected polypeptides of the slow transport was assessed either by determining the radioactivity in the appropriate gel bands or by scanning the fluorogram (28)(29)(30)