Insulin from islet -cells maintains glucose homeostasis by stimulating peripheral tissues to remove glucose from circulation. Persistent elevation of insulin demand increases -cell number through selfreplication or differentiation (neogenesis) as part of a compensatory response. However, it is not well understood how a persistent increase in insulin demand is detected. We have previously demonstrated that a persistent increase in insulin demand by overnutrition induces compensatory -cell differentiation in zebrafish. Here, we use a series of pharmacological and genetic analyses to show that prolonged stimulation of existing -cells is necessary and sufficient for this compensatory response. In the absence of feeding, tonic, but not intermittent, pharmacological activation of -cell secretion was sufficient to induce -cell differentiation. Conversely, drugs that block -cell secretion, including an ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel agonist and an L-type Ca 2ϩ channel blocker, suppressed overnutrition-induced -cell differentiation. Genetic experiments specifically targeting -cells confirm existing -cells as the overnutrition sensor. First, inducible expression of a constitutively active K ATP channel in -cells suppressed the overnutrition effect. Second, inducible expression of a dominant-negative K ATP mutant induced -cell differentiation independent of nutrients. Third, sensitizing -cell metabolism by transgenic expression of a hyperactive glucokinase potentiated differentiation. Finally, ablation of the existing -cells abolished the differentiation response. Taken together, these data establish that overnutrition induces -cell differentiation in larval zebrafish through prolonged activation of -cells. These findings demonstrate an essential role for existing -cells in sensing overnutrition and compensating for their own insufficiency by recruiting additional -cells.