. Abstract: Routine oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion were measured at 20°C and 25°C in the searobin Prionotus punetatus collected in Ubatuba region (22°30'S), SP, Brazil, in western South Atlantic, to investigate energy expenditure and losses through metabolic processes. Individuais ranging ftom 1.00g to 88.47g and ftom 1.79g to 56.50g were used in experiments at 20°C and 25°C, respectively. At 20°C and 25°C, the averages of weight-specific oxygen consumption for the weight class of 1.00 -1O.00g,common to both temperatures, were 162.46:t 39.51 fl102/gIhand 200.47:t 92.46 flI02/gIh, respectively; for the weight class of 50.01 -60.00gthese valueswere 112.30:t 22.84 fl102/gIhand 114.60:t 20.36 flI02/gIh.At 20°C and 25°C, the averages ofweight-specific ammonia excretion for the weight class of 1.00 to 1O.00g were 1.03 :t 0.37 flM/gIh and 1.21 :t 0.65 flM/gIh, respectively; for the weight class of 50.01 -60.00g these values were 0.68 :t 0.13 flM/gIh and 0.60 :t 0.22 flM/gIh. The energy budget for the species was calculated at both temperatures using the experimental data and a model for marine teleosts proposed in the literature.· Resumo: O consumo de oxigênio de rotina e a excreção de amônia de Prionotus punctatus coletados na região de Ubatuba (22°30'S), SP, Brasil, foram medidos a 20°C e 25°C, para avaliar os gastos e perdas de energia com os processos metabólicos. Foram utilizados indivíduos variando de 1,00g a 88,47g e de 1,79g a 56,50g, em experimentos a 20°C e 25°C, respectivamente. As médiasde consumoespecíficode oxigênioa 20°C e 25°C para a classede peso de 1,00 -1O,00g,comum a ambas as temperaturas, foram 162,46:t 39,51 fl102/gIhe 200,47 :t 92,46 fll0iglh, respectivamente; para a classe de peso de 50,01 -60,00g esses valores foram 112,30 :t 22,84 fll02/gIh e 114,60 :t 20,36 flI02/gIh. A 20°C e 25°C, as médias de excreção específica de amôniapara a classe de peso de 1,00 a 10,00g foram 1,03 :t 0,37 e 1,21 :t 0,65 flM/gIh, respectivamente; para a classe de peso de 50,01 -60,00g esses valores foram 0,68 :t 0,13 flM/gIh e 0,60 :t 0,22 flM/gIh. O orçamento energético para a espécie foi calculado para cada temperatura utilizando-se os dados experimentais e modelo proposto na literatura.