To test whether pancreatic hormonal changes that occur during exercise are necessary for the postexercise enhancement of insulin-stimulated net hepatic glucose uptake, chronically catheterized dogs were exercised on a treadmill or rested for 150 min. At the onset of exercise, somatostatin was infused into a peripheral vein, and insulin and glucagon were infused in the portal vein to maintain basal levels (EX-Basal) or simulate the response to exercise (EX-Sim). Glucose was infused as needed to maintain euglycemia during exercise. After exercise or rest, somatostatin infusion was continued in exercised dogs and initiated in dogs that had remained sedentary. In addition, basal glucagon, glucose, and insulin were infused in the portal vein for 150 min to create a hyperinsulinemic-hyperglycemic clamp in EXBasal, EX-Sim, and sedentary dogs. Steady-state measurements were made during the final 50 min of the clamp. During exercise, net hepatic glucose output (mg ⅐ kg ؊1 ⅐ min ؊1 ) rose in EX-Sim (7.6 ؎ 2.8) but not EX-Basal (1.9 ؎ 0.3) dogs. During the hyperinsulinemichyperglycemic clamp that followed either exercise or rest, net hepatic glucose uptake (mg ⅐ kg ؊1 ⅐ min ؊1 ) was elevated in both EX-Basal (4.0 ؎ 0.7) and EX-Sim (4.6 ؎ 0.5) dogs compared with sedentary dogs (2.0 ؎ 0.3). Despite this elevation in net hepatic glucose uptake after exercise, glucose incorporation into hepatic glycogen, determined using [3-3 H]glucose, was not different in EX-Basal and sedentary dogs, but was 50 ؎ 30% greater in EX-Sim dogs. Exercise-induced changes in insulin and glucagon, and consequent glycogen depletion, are not required for the increase in net hepatic glucose uptake after exercise but result in a greater fraction of the glucose consumed by the liver being directed to glycogen. Diabetes 53:3041-3047, 2004 S ustained exercise has been shown to improve net hepatic glucose uptake (NHGU) and enhance hepatic glycogen synthesis (1,2). Our previous work has shown that the enhanced NHGU during a glucose load after exercise is due to improvements in hepatic insulin action (2). Although exercise clearly improves insulin-stimulated NHGU, it is not known what part of the exercise response leads to the postexercise enhancement in NHGU.During exercise, hepatic glycogen stores are mobilized and gluconeogenesis is accelerated to help meet the increased energy demands of working muscle. Previous work in the dog has shown that the changes in insulin and glucagon during exercise are essential to the regulation of hepatic glucose output during exercise (3), and preventing the fall in insulin (4) and the rise in glucagon (5) attenuates the glycogenolytic and gluconeogenic responses seen during exercise. In particular, the depletion of liver glycogen is likely to have persistent effects.Interestingly, work in hepatocytes has shown that hepatic glycogen synthesis is inversely proportional to hepatic glycogen content, suggesting that hepatic glycogen may play a role in the regulation of its own synthesis (6). Additionally sustained fasting, a co...