In recent years,
parahydrogen-induced polarization side arm hydrogenation
(PHIP-SAH) has been applied to hyperpolarize [1-13C]pyruvate
and map its metabolic conversion to [1-13C]lactate in cancer
cells. Developing on our recent MINERVA pulse sequence protocol, in
which we have achieved 27% [1-13C]pyruvate carbon polarization,
we demonstrate the hyperpolarization of [1,2-13C]pyruvate
(∼7% polarization on each 13C spin) via PHIP-SAH. By altering a single parameter in the pulse sequence,
MINERVA enables the signal enhancement of C1 and/or C2 in [1,2-13C]pyruvate with the opposite phase, which allows for the
simultaneous monitoring of different chemical reactions with enhanced
spectral contrast or for the same reaction via different
carbon sites. We first demonstrate the ability to monitor the same
enzymatic pyruvate to lactate conversion at 7T in an aqueous solution, in vitro, and in-cell (HeLa cells) via different
carbon sites. In a second set of experiments, we use the C1 and C2
carbon positions as spectral probes for simultaneous chemical reactions:
the production of acetate, carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and carbonate
by reacting [1,2-13C]pyruvate with H2O2 at a high temperature (55 °C). Importantly, we detect and characterize
the intermediate 2-hydroperoxy-2-hydroxypropanoate in real time and
at high temperature.