The adrenal cortex of many eutherian mammals is functional at birth and in some species at least may be involved in parturition (e.g. Liggins, Kennedy & Holm, 1967). Marsupials are born after a relatively short gestation and are considerably smaller than eutherian neonates.It has been postulated that the middle of pouch life, when homoiothermy is achieved, is comparable to the time of birth in eutherians (Bentley & Shield, 1962). Homoiothermy in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii, is established between 140 and 170 days of pouch life (Setchell, 1974). Experiments were designed to determine when the adrenal cortex begins to synthesize and secrete steroids.Male pouch young of the tammar wallaby were bled from the carotid artery, and steroids were extracted with methanol. Adrenals were weighed, chopped and incubated (Vinson, Phillips, Chester Jones & Tsang, 1971 ; Vinson, 1974).In one experiment,neonatal adrenal tissue(50mg/ml)was incubated with [4-l4C] progesterone (1 µ / ) alone or with [7 -3 H] pregnenolone (1 µ / 1). Products were isolated as previously described (Vinson et al. 1971). Cortisol was identified as the major corticosteroid by fractionation in systems 1 and 2, treatment with acetic anhydride/pyridine and rechromatography as the acetate (systems 4 and 5), mixing with 50 mg authentic material and recrystal¬ lization. Successive specific activities were 143, 135 and 136 c.p.m./mg, and successive 3H:14C ratios 1-21, 1-25 and 1-27. In incubations with [14C] progesterone, labelled testosterone was identified by chromatography in systems 1 and 2, acetylation and rechromatography (system 2), addition of authentic tritiated material; hydrolysis with NaOH; oxidization with f-butyl chromate and rechromatography (systems 2, 5, 6 and 7). In the final three chromatograms the 3H: 14C ratios were 3-25, 2-95 and 3 1. In samples from incubations with [14C] -progesterone and [3 H] pregnenolone treated similarly (but without addition of [3H] testo¬ sterone), final 3H: 14C ratios were 1-71, 1-47 and 1-54. Yields of cortisol and testosterone were similar from both precursors, about 0-5%. These findings agree with those obtained using adult tissue from other marsupial species (Vinson et al. 1971 ;Vinson & Renfree, 1975).An index of corticosteroid and androgen levels in plasma and in incubations of adrenal tissue was obtained by direct competitive protein-binding assays (Vinson, 1974). At birth the animals weighed 0-410 + 0-01 g ( = 7) and the adrenals