Propanil-resistant barnyardgrass populations, previously veriÐed in Arkansas rice Ðelds and in greenhouse tests, were examined in the laboratory to ascertain if the resistance mechanism in this weed biotype was herbicide metabolism. Propanil-resistant barnyardgrass was controlled [95% in the greenhouse when carbaryl (an aryl acylamidase inhibitor) was applied two days prior to propanil. Laboratory studies with 14C-radiolabelled propanil indicated that the herbicide was hydrolysed in propanil-resistant barnyardgrass and rice to form 3,4-dichloroaniline, but no detectable hydrolysis occurred in susceptible barnyardgrass. Two additional polar metabolites were detected in propanil-resistant barnyardgrass and rice and tentatively identiÐed by thin layer chromatography. Overall, metabolites in the resistant barnyardgrass had values similar to those R f in rice, indicating similar metabolism for both species. These data, coupled with data from a previous report on the resistant biotype showing no di †erential absorption/translocation or molecular modiÐcation of the herbicide binding site in the resistant biotype, indicate that the resistance mechanism is metabolic degradation of propanil.