Chloroxuron, diuron, fluometuron, metobromuron and monuron added to soil at 500 parts/million a.i. on a dry weight basis caused an initial stimulation of COz production, followed by indications of inhibition. Nitrification was clearly inhibited, particularly by monuron and metobromuron.Metoxuron at 5 and 50 parts/million a.i. had no effect on CO, output and nitrification, but at 500 parts/million a.i. both were greatly reduced. Numbers of fungal propagules were temporarily lower at 50 parts/million a.i., and severely curtailed at 500 parts/million a.i. but total counts of bacterial propagules were greatly increased.Linuron had an inhibitory effect on CO, evolution at 500 parts/million a.i. but this varied in extent and duration; some reduction was also found at 50 parts/ million a.i. At 500 partslmillion a.i. there was no effect on mineralisation of N but in soil supplemented with ammonium sulphate nitrification was reduced. Changes in microbial equilibrium occurred, but were less marked than with metoxuron. Cellulose decomposition was also reduced. Small amounts of 3,4dichloroaniline were found in linuron-treated soils, but microbial activities were not affected when 5 parts/million 3,4-dichloroaniline was added to the soil. However, at 140 parts/million microbial activities were affected adversely, but in a different pattern to that for linuron; nitrification was severely reduced, but numbers of fungal propagules were hardly affected, suggesting that the effects observed in linuron-treated soil were not due to this metabolite.