The metabolism of a new synthetic progestagen, Org 2969 was studied in 4 healthy female volunteers. During the first part of the study (Phase I), the volunteers ingested 50 \g=m\g(about 0.1 mCi) of [16-3H]Org 2969 together with 50 \ g=m\ g of ethinyloestradiol as a single dose. During the second part of the study (Phase II), a 10-day pre-treatment with the same dosage of nonradioactive compound preceded the administration of the radioactive steroid.A peak level of total radioactivity, representing 3.16\p=n-\ 5.02% of the dose given/l of serum, was achieved within 2\p=n-\3 h in Phase I. During Phase II, the corresponding figures were 4.54\p=n-\5.13%after 1.5\p=n-\3 h. The difference was mainly due to an increase of freely-extractable steroids during Phase II. The difference can at least partly be explained by assuming a change in the kinetics of the metabolism of Org 2969 by pre-treatment with Org 2969 and ethinyloestradiol. The mean recovery of radioactivity in urine and faeces was 83.0%/48.1%/34.9% (total/ urine/faeces) of the total dose in Phase I and 76.1%/ 45.2%/30.9% during Phase II. The differences in the total excretion and in the radioactivity excreted in the faeces were significant.