DOI: 10.3390/metabo11060378
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Metabolomic Characterization of Commercial, Old, and Red-Fleshed Apple Varieties

Abstract: In this study, a metabolomic investigation was presented to correlate single polyphenolic compounds in apple pulp with quality characteristics such as antioxidant activity and content of phenolic compounds and anthocyanins in apple skin. Since the concentration of these compounds is influenced by environmental factors, the twenty-two apple cultivars originate from the same site. The polyphenolic compounds were analyzed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrom… Show more

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Cited by 19 publications
(17 citation statements)
References 54 publications
(111 reference statements)
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“…On average, elite material is also harvested later than genetic resources, most probably because fruits with a later ripening are more firm ( Migicovsky et al 2016 ) and can be stored longer ( Nybom et al 2008 ). Modern varieties also have a lower phenolic content than genetic resources in general ( Ceci et al 2021 ; Watts et al 2021 ). A recent pedigree reconstruction study showed that the two populations are separated by approximately 5–10 generations ( Muranty et al 2020 ), which could result in the persistence of marker phase and effects across populations.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…On average, elite material is also harvested later than genetic resources, most probably because fruits with a later ripening are more firm ( Migicovsky et al 2016 ) and can be stored longer ( Nybom et al 2008 ). Modern varieties also have a lower phenolic content than genetic resources in general ( Ceci et al 2021 ; Watts et al 2021 ). A recent pedigree reconstruction study showed that the two populations are separated by approximately 5–10 generations ( Muranty et al 2020 ), which could result in the persistence of marker phase and effects across populations.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Unfortunately, determining what the old and new cultivar is not unambiguous. 'Golden Delicious' in some experiments is considered an old cultivar (Wojdyło et al, 2008;Mitre et al, 2009), and in some as a representative of new cultivars (Kschonsek et al, 2018;Morresi et al, 2018;Király et al, 2020;Ceci et al, 2021). This is probably due to the fact that although this cultivar was bred in the nineteenth century, its share in the varietal structure of many countries is still significant.…”
Section: Nutritional and Health-promoting Characteristics Of Old And ...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Wojdyło et al (2008), comparing the content of polyphenols among old and new cultivars, found that new cultivars such as Ozark Gold, Julyred and Jester, were characterized by the same or higher content of bioactive ingredients compared to the old cultivar: Golden Delicious, Idared, and Jonagold. Ceci et al (2021), comparing the chemical composition of old cultivars, commonly grown (commercial), noted that the old cultivars were distinguished by the content of polyphenolic compounds and higher antioxidant capacity.…”
Section: Nutritional and Health-promoting Characteristics Of Old And ...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…( Yun et al, 2022 ). The chemical composition of apple fruits has also been investigated, including their volatile and non-volatile compounds ( Aprea et al, 2011 , Ceci et al, 2021 , Chitarrini et al, 2021 , Cuthbertson et al, 2012 , Heinmaa et al, 2017 , Lee et al, 2017 , Roberts and Spadafora, 2020 , Xie et al, 2021 ). More than 300 volatile compounds alone have been identified in apples to date ( Espino-Díaz et al, 2016 ).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%