Over 300 bacterial strains were isolated from seven samples of activated sludge by plating on sewage agar. Gram-negative bacteria of the genera Zoogloea and Comamonas predominated. Many isolates (51%) showed sudanophilic inclusions of poly-,3-hydroxybutyric acid, whereas 34% accumulated iodophilic material on media containing starch. A large number required either vitamins or amino acids, or both, for growth. None of the isolates tested for their ability to bring about changes in autoclaved sewage produced an effluent comparable in quality to the activated sludge control, although the Zoogloea did produce activated sludgelike flocs. A study of 150 bacterial strains isolated from raw sewage revealed that they differed from the sludge isolates in several respects. Coliforms, which constitute nearly a quarter of the sewage isolates, were rarely encountered in sludge.