In this study, the researchers developed a multidimensional data model to investigate the activities of lecturers in universities in carrying out research activities as part of the Three Pillars of Higher Education. Information about lecturers' research activities has been managed using spreadsheet (excel) documents. Thus, access and analysis of the information were limited. Data warehouse development was carried out through several stages, namely requirement analysis, data source analysis, multidimensional modeling, ETL process, and reporting. The information generated in this data warehouse (DW) can be used as one of the business intelligence (BI) models in universities. In this study, the star-schema model was used in designing dimension tables and fact tables to facilitate and speed up the query process. The information generated in this study can be used by management in universities to make decisions and strategic planning. The results of this study can also be used as one of the important information in the preparation of institutional accreditation data and study program accreditation.
Keywords-Data warehouse (DW); star-schema; multidimensional data; business intelligence (BI)
I. INTRODUCTIONLecturers as one of the intellectual assets in higher education have one of the activities that are part of the Three Pillars of Higher Education, namely carrying out research and community service. Every year there is a lot of funding to carry out research and community service activities. This funding source comes from the ministries of education, culture, research, and technology, as well as from local governments, and internal universities.This research and community service information is used as one of the assessment criteria in the preparation of study program accreditation instruments and university accreditation. Currently, at Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, research data and community service are documented at the Research and Community Service Center (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat abbreviated as P3M) Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, in the form of spreadsheet (excel) file data, without being further managed into useful information for upper management in the decision-making process.