The article discusses the theoretical aspects of meta-subject results formation in primary school students in accordance with the updated Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. We analyze the meta-subject educational results and approaches, for students in various subject areas, based on the development of universal learning activities including the subject area “Native language and literary reading in the native language”. In this study, the interpretation of the term “meta-subject” is given, according to which the development of universal educational actions among students takes place in various subject areas, in particular within the subject area “Native language and literary reading in the native language”. The article highlights that the study of state languages contributes to the formation of a multilingual and multicultural personality, which enhances the development of a more harmonious society where respect and recognition of other peoples become key values. We present the analysis of a number of laws and documents regulating the study of the state Bashkir language in schools of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The article focuses on the planned results proposed in the Approximate Curriculum for the academic subject “The State (Bashkir) language of the Republic of Bashkortostan” at the level of general primary education.