AbstractWhile wetlands represent a small fraction (~7%) of the world’s land surface, it is estimated that one third of wetlands have been lost due to human activities. Wetland habitat loss decreases ecosystem functions such as improving water quality and mitigating climate change. These microbially mediated functions are dependent on particular soil redox conditions, which are altered by soil hydrology and the presence of plants. Differences in microbial physiology allow certain taxa (aerobes and facultative anaerobes) to adapt to fluctuating (dry/wet) hydrologic conditions, while other taxa (obligate anaerobes) are better adapted to continually saturated conditions. Therefore, the duration of hydrologic periods can affect soil microbial community structure and function. Further, plant-derived carbon, nutrients, and air are released by diffusion belowground which also impacts microbial activity in soils. In this study, we hypothesized that redox status due to continuous flooding would support greater abundance of microbial taxa involved in methanogenesis (obligate anaerobes), but plant-mediated oxygen transport would decrease methane emissions. Using a mesocosm design, we manipulated duration of hydrologic condition (i.e., stable dry, stable flooding, and alternating wet/dry) and presence of plants to induce soil redox changes in wetland soils. We measured soil redox status, used targeted amplicon sequencing to characterize the bacterial and archaeal communities, and measured greenhouse gas production to assess microbial function. Hydrology and to a lesser degree plant presence influenced soil redox conditions. Hydrologic history strongly influenced microbial community composition, but plant presence and hydrologic treatment altered microbial function to a great degree. As predicted, plant presence decreased greenhouse gas production in the wetland mesocosms. While previous studies do not often include plants when assessing greenhouse gas emissions, this study highlights that plant-mediated decreases in greenhouse gas emissions are significant. If plant-mediated effects are not considered when estimating the carbon balance of ecosystems, then wetland carbon storage could be underestimated.