I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Leung Pak Hing for his professional guidance and cheerful encouragement to me to persevere in my work. Many thanks to my co-supervisors Dr. Selva for her unfailing support and mentorship towards my work and specially for extending her support by proofreading my thesis, and to Dr. Krishna for his useful advice and suggestions. I would like to thank the Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences for the scholarship and support for my PhD study, this means so much to me and my family, I am very greatful for this opportunity. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Li Yongxin for performing the X-ray Crystallography and for Siew Ping for the Elemental Analysis, their prompt service and dedication helped me a lot. Special thanks to my seniors, Ben who helped me a lot in starting my momentum in work and not only for his unconditional help but also for being a good friend, Sumod for his extreme kindness in helping me specially with administrative aspects of my work, Shuli for being a good friend who is always there to extend a helping hand to me and listens to all my frustrations, and to Lulu for being a friend to whom I can laugh with. I also would like to thank my juniors Zhang Yi,