The metal-directed alkylating agent ~~-a-bromo-~-(5-imidazolyl)propionic acid (BrImPpOH) is shown to be an affinity-labelling reagent for sheep liver sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH). As previously found for horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), it modifies a cysteine ligand to the active-site zinc. In this case it is selectively incorporated (over 90%) at Cys43 in each of the four polypeptide chains/protomers of sheep liver SDH. Incorporated reagent and residual activity correlated. The first order inactivation constant, k,, and KEI, the dissociation constant for SDH and BrImPpOH, have been determined at different pH. The reactivity of BrImPpOH for SDH is higher than that for horse liver and yeast ADH. The protection of SDH against BrImPpOH inactivation by buffers and other molecules shows some similarities to that with horse liver ADH. However, sheep liver SDH bound BrImPpOH, imidazole and phosphate ions much weaker than liver ADH. The pK, values from the plot of log(k*/&I) against pH are approximately 7.0 and 8.8-8.9. The former pK, value probably represents ionization of an imidazole group and the latter the zindwater ionization in SDH. These pK, values are similar to those found for horse liver ADH. They are apparently not noticeably influenced by a second cysteine ligand in liver ADH being replaced by a proposed glutamic acid residue as a ligand to the catalytic zinc in SDH. The plot of logk, against pH shows pK, values around 7.0 and 9.2 for the SDH-BrImPpOH-complex. The pK, of 7.0 is the same as for log(kJK,,), and indicates no significant perturbation due to the binding of BrImPpOH to SDH. The pK, around 9.2 indicates perturbation of the zindwater ionization or the ionization of Cys43.Sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) is present at different tissues [l] and is an important marker for damage in the liver and testis [2-41. SDH is involved in the sorbitol or polyol pathway, an important alternative route for glucose metabolism to fructose via sorbitol by first aldose reductase then sorbitol dehydrogenase [ 11. SDH and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) are related through their sequences [5 -101. Sequence similarity of sheep liver SDH and the long-chain zinc ADH indicates that there are close structural similarities between them [7,11, 121. The sheep liver SDH sequence has recently been corrected in the order of N-terminal positions 2-5 and by the addition of an extra histidine residue in position 52 [9]. SDH is a tetramer (152 kDa) of identical subunits like yeast ADH. Unlike liver ADH which is a dimer of identical subunits each containing a catalytic and a structural zinc atom, SDH has only 1 zinc atodsubunit [13-151. This is a catalytic zinc atom, as indicated by inhibition experiments [ 14 -201. Enzymes. Sorbitol dehydrogenase, L-iditol : NAD' 2-oxidoreductase (EC; dcohol dehydrogenase, alcohol: NAD' oxidoreductase (EC; trypsin (EC; thermolysin (EC; endoproteinase Asp-N (EC computer model of the sheep liver SDH protomer based on its sequence (355 residues) and th...