Blast furnace ironmaking produces a reducing and carburizing atmosphere in the blast furnace which may lead to metal dusting. However, there is limited research on metal dusting under this particular atmosphere. This paper investigated metal dusting behaviors of ferritic Fe-(10, 20, 25)Cr and austenitic Fe-20Cr-(20, 33)Ni, Fe-25Cr-20Ni (wt.%) alloys at 550 and 650 °C in an Ar-33CO-7H2-7CO2-2H2O (vol.%) gas simulating a blast furnace operating condition. A relatively short reaction time, up to 100 h, was used to evaluate the initial stage of metal dusting of these alloys in the blast furnace gas condition. Severe metal dusting and coke deposition were observed at 550 °C, while no significant dusting but internal oxidation and carburization were observed at 650 °C. Higher Cr and Ni contents in the alloy lowered kinetics of metal dusting at 550 °C and of carburization at both temperatures. Austenitic alloys were more susceptible to metal dusting and coke deposition than ferritic alloys with the same Cr content at 550 °C. At 650 °C, however, ferritic alloys experienced higher extents of carburization and oxidation than austenitic alloys with the same Cr concentration. The effects of alloy composition and reaction temperature on metal dusting in this simulated blast furnace operating condition were discussed.