Analysis of the electronic structure of an ordinary two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) under an appropriate external periodic potential of hexagonal symmetry reveals that massless Dirac fermions are generated near the corners of the supercell Brillouin zone. The required potential parameters are found to be achievable under or close to laboratory conditions. Moreover, the group velocity is tunable by changing either the effective mass of the 2DEG or the lattice parameter of the external potential, and it is insensitive to the potential amplitude. The finding should provide a new class of systems other than graphene for investigating and exploiting massless Dirac fermions using 2DEGs in semiconductors.Graphene 1,2,3,4 , a honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms, is composed of two equivalent sublattices of atoms. The dynamics of the low-energy charge carriers in graphene may be described to a high degree of accuracy by a massless Dirac equation with a two-component pseudospin basis which denotes the amplitudes of the electronic states on these two sublattices. The quasiparticles have a linear energy dispersion near the corners K and K ′ (the Dirac points) of the hexagonal Brillouin zone 5,6,7,8 . Consequently, the density of states (DOS) varies linearly and vanishes at the Dirac point energy. The sublattice degree of freedom of the wavefunctions is given by a pseudospin vector that is either parallel or anti-parallel to the wavevector measured from the Dirac point, giving rise to a chirality being 1 or −1, respectively 5,6,7 . These two fundamental properties of graphene, linear energy dispersion and the chiral nature of the quasiparticles, result in interesting phenomenon such as half-integer quantum Hall effect 2,3 , Klein paradox 9 , and suppression of backscattering 6,7,10 , as well as some novel predicted properties such as electron supercollimation in graphene superlattices 11,12,13 .As a possible realization of another two-dimensional (2D) massless Dirac particle system, theoretical studies on the physical properties of particles in optical honeycomb lattices 14 have been performed 15,16,17,18,19 . The behaviors of ultra-cold atoms in a honeycomb lattice potential were considered, in principle, to be equivalent to those of the low-energy charge carriers in graphene 15 .In this Letter, we propose a different practical scheme for generating massless Dirac fermions. We show through exact numerical calculations within an independent particle picture that applying an appropriate nanometerscale periodic potential with hexagonal symmetry onto conventional two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) will generate massless Dirac fermions at the corners of the supercell Brillouin zone (SBZ). We find that the potential configurations needed should be within or close to current laboratory capabilities, and this approach could benefit from the highly developed experimental techniques of 2DEG physics 20 including recent advances in self-assembly nanostructures 21,22,23 .We moreover find that the band velocity and the energy windo...