Understanding the non-monotonic behavior in the temperature dependent resistance, R(T), of strongly correlated two-dimensional (2D) carriers in clean semiconductors has been a central issue in the studies of 2D metallic states and metal-insulator-transitions. We have studied the transport of high mobility 2D holes in 20nm wide GaAs quantum wells (QWs) with varying short-range disorder strength by changing the Al fraction x in the Al x Ga 1-x As barrier. Via varying the short range interface roughness and alloy scattering, it is observed that increasing x suppresses both the strength and characteristic temperature scale of the 2D metallicity, pointing to the distinct role of short-range versus long-range disorder in the 2D metallic transport in this correlated 2D hole system with interaction parameter r s~ 20.PACS Numbers: 71.30.+h, 73.63.Hs For the past thirty years, two-dimensional (2D) quantum systems have been a rich area of concentrated study for both theorists and experimentalists to explore the interplay between Coulomb interaction and disorder effects [1][2][3][4]. In the case of 2D electrons with ultra-low density and weak disorder, the quantum and strongly interacting nature of the systems becomes so prominent that various complex quantum phases and phase transitions may exist according to theory [5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. Obtaining a clear understanding of such strongly correlated 2D systems thus remains to be extremely important in the field of many-body physics.In 2D electron or hole samples with high mobility, an intriguing metal to insulator transition (MIT) was observed in zero magnetic field (B=0) with the carrier density as the tuning parameter [2,3,12]. Although strong electron-electron interactions are believed to be an essential factor in the origin of this MIT in 2D, the effects of disorder seem to be non-negligible and must be incorporated in order to reconcile the subtle differences in all the 2D MIT experiments over a range of disorder and interaction strength [2,3,[13][14][15]. While the understanding of the 2D MIT in the critical regime continues to advance [13][14][15][16][17], the mechanism of the 2D metallic conduction in the metallic regime (resistivity <