Experimental evidence for the possible universality classes of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in two dimensions (2D) is discussed. Sufficiently strong disorder, in particular, changes the nature of the transition. Comprehensive studies of the charge dynamics are also reviewed, describing evidence that the MIT in a 2D electron system in silicon should be viewed as the melting of the Coulomb glass. Comparisons are made to recent results on novel 2D materials and quasi-2D strongly correlated systems, such as cuprates.
I. 2D METAL-INSULATOR TRANSITION AS A QUANTUM PHASE TRANSITIONThe metal-insulator transition (MIT) in 2D systems remains one of the most fundamental open problems in condensed matter physics [1][2][3][4]. The very existence of the metal and the MIT in 2D had been questioned for many years but, recently, considerable experimental evidence has become available in favor of such a transition. Indeed, in the presence of electron-electron interactions, the existence of the 2D MIT does not contradict any general idea or principle (see also chapters by V. Dobrosavljević, and A. A. Shashkin and S. V. Kravchenko). It is important to recall that a qualitative distinction between a metal and an insulator exists only at temperature T = 0: the conductivity σ(T = 0) = 0 in the metal, and σ(T = 0) = 0 in the insulator. Therefore, the MIT is an example of a quantum phase transition (QPT) [5]: it s a continuous phase transition that occurs at T = 0, i.e. between two ground states. It is controlled by some parameter of the Hamiltonian of the system, such as carrier density, the external magnetic field, or pressure, and quantum fluctuations dominate the critical behavior. In analogy to thermal phase transitions, a QPT is characterized by a correlation length ξ ∝ |δ| −ν and the corresponding timescale τ ξ ∼ ξ z , both of which diverge in a power-law fashion at the critical point. Here δ is a dimensionless (reduced) distance of a control parameter from its critical value, ν is the correlation length exponent and z is the dynamical exponent. Because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, in a QPT there is a characteristic energy (temperature) scale