Proton affinities of a number of alkyl acetates (CH3–C(=O)–OR) and of
methyl alkanoates (R–C(=O)–OCH3, R=H, alkyl) have been assembled from
the literature or measured using the kinetic method. It was observed that the
proton affinities for the isomeric species CH3–C(=O)–OR and
R–C(=O)–OCH3 are almost identical, an unexpected result as the
charge in these protonated ester molecules is largely at the keto carbon atom
and so this site should be more sensitive to alkyl substitution. Analysis of the
data, including those from lone pair ionisation and core-electron ionisation
experiments available from the literature, indicate that after protonation,
extensive charge relaxation (or polarisation) takes place (as is also the case,
according to the literature, after core-electron ionisation). By contrast, after
lone pair ionisation, which results in radical cations, such relaxation
processes are relatively less extensive. As a consequence, changes in ion
enthalpies of these protonated molecules follow more closely the changes in
neutral enthalpies, compared with changes in enthalpies of the corresponding
radical cations, formed by electron detachment. Preliminary analyses of
published energetic data indicate that the above finding for organic esters may
well be another example of a more general phenomenon.