convert the puckered structure of αP into a buckled structure with hexagonal unit cell, giving rise to another 2D allotrope (derived from blue phosphorus; βP). [ 18 ] Based on fi rst-principles calculations, βP is as stable as αP, but is predicted to have very different electronic properties. While αP has a direct bandgap of ≈1 eV at the Γ point, the ≈2 eV bandgap of βP is indirect. The electronic states of both materials can be easily modulated by employing axial strain. [ 16,18 ] It may be possible to mechanically exfoliate βP from the bulk compound, while so far it only has been synthesized by molecular beam epitaxial growth on Au(111) substrate. [ 19 ] Both αP and βP have great potential in applications due to their extraordinary electronic and thermal transport characteristics. [ 20 ] In order to engineer nanostructured FETs, a series of strategies have been applied in the past, [21][22][23] including the use of nanotubes and nanoribbons. [24][25][26] Because of quantum confi nement and unique edge effects, nanoribbons exhibit many exploitable features, in particular from the electrical, optical, and magnetic point of view. [ 27,28 ] Nanoribbons of αP can be both metallic and semiconducting, depending on their crystallographic direction and the functionalization of the edges. [29][30][31] The electronic transport in metallic αP nanoribbons has been investigated theoretically, fi nding a robust negative differential resistance. [ 32 ] On the other hand, both armchair and zigzag βP nanoribbons are semiconducting, while the nature of the bandgap (direct or indirect) is different. [ 33,34 ] In order to establish the properties of αP and βP nanoribbons we study in this paper in a fi rst step their electronic structure. In a second step we propose a FET design based on connected armchair and zigzag nanoribbons cut out of a single sheet of αP or βP, which ensures atomically perfect junctions. We then characterize the performance of such devices by means of transport calculations using the nonequilibrium Green's function method.Our fi rst-principles calculations were based on density functional theory as implemented in the SIESTA code. [ 35,36 ] All structures were fully relaxed until the Hellman-Feynman forces had declined to less than 0.02 eV Å −1 . Double zeta plus polarization basis sets were employed, the core electrons were described by norm-conserving Troullier-Martins pseudopotentials, [ 37 ] and the exchange correlation functional was used for the generalized gradient approximation. The reciprocal space was sampled on a Monkhorst-Pack 1 × 1 × 10 k-mesh and the real space mesh refered to an energy cutoff of 200 Ry.Electron transport calculations were performed using the nonequilibrium Green's function method (SMEAGOL package [ 38,39 ] ). Semi-infi nite electrodes connected to the central The electronic properties of black and blue phosphorus nanoribbons are investigated, which enables the proposal of junction-free fi eld-effect transistors that comprise metallic armchair nanoribbons as electrodes and, in bet...