The effect of organic ligands on the separation performance of Zr based metal-organic framework (Zr-MOF) membranes was investigated. Aseries of Zr-MOF membranes with different ligand chemistry and functionality were synthesized by an in situ solvothermal method and ac oordination modulation technique. The thin supported MOF layers (ca. 1 mm) showed the crystallographic orientation and pore structure of original MOF structures.T he MOF membranes show excellent selectivity towards hydrogen owing to the molecular sieving effect when the bulkier linkers were used. The molecular simulation confirmed that the constricted pore apertures of the Zr-MOFs which were formed by the additional benzener ings lead to the decrease in the diffusivity of larger penetrants while hydrogen was not remarkably affected. The gas mixture separation factors of the MOF membranes reached to H 2 /CO 2 = 26, H 2 /N 2 = 13, H 2 /CH 4 = 11. Figure 2. a) Cross-sectional FE-SEM image of UiO-66 membrane; white arrow indicates the layer of UiO-66. b) EDX elementalm apping image of UiO-66 membrane. Red aluminum,g reen zirconium. c) Surface FE-SEM image of UiO-66 membrane. Scale bars:500 nm. d) PXRD patterns of MOF membranesf abricated on amodified alumina substrate.