Surface wave tomography shows that the central Tibetan Plateau (the Qiangtang block) is characterized by S wave speeds as slow as 3.3 km/s at depths from 20-25 km to 45-50 km and S wave radial anisotropy of at least 4% (V SH > V SV ) that is stronger in the west than the east. The depth of the Curie temperature for magnetite inferred from satellite magnetic measurements, the depth of the α-β quartz transition inferred from V P /V S ratios, and the equilibration pressures and temperatures of xenoliths erupted from the middle to deep crust indicate that the Qiangtang crust is hot, reaching 1000°C at the Moho. This inferred thermal gradient crosses the dehydration melting solidi for crustal rocks at 20-30 km depth, implying the presence or former presence of melt in the Tibetan middle to deep crust. These temperatures do not require the wholesale breakdown of mica at these depths, because F and Ti can stabilize mica to at least 1300°C. Petrology suggests, then, that the Qiangtang middle to deep crust consists of a mica-bearing residue from which melt has been extracted or is being extracted. Wave speeds calculated for mica-bearing rocks with a subhorizontal to gently dipping foliation and 2% silicate melt are a good match to the wave speeds and anisotropy observed by seismology.