The mobile campfire -a new user paradigm for mobile social web scenariosAschoff, F R; Novak, J Novak, J (2008 This article starts with a discussion of user paradigms in (business) informatics and the human-computer interaction field in general. Based on this analysis a new user paradigm for mobile social Web scenarios is proposed: the mobile campfire paradigm. We contrast this approach to other paradigms, like the ldquouser as information processorrdquo perspective. Finally, implications of this metaphor for the design of future mobile devices and services are discussed and exemplified by a field study from own work.Abstract -This article starts with a discussion of user paradigms in (business) informatics and the humancomputer interaction field in general. Based on this analysis a new user paradigm for mobile social web scenarios is proposed: the mobile campfire paradigm. We contrast this approach to other paradigms, like the "user as information processor" perspective. Finally, implications of this metaphor for the design of future mobile devices and services are discussed and exemplified by a field study from own work.