In this text we introduce and analyze families of symmetric functions arising as partition functions for colored fermionic vertex models associated with the quantized affine Lie superalgebra 𝑈 𝑞 ( ŝ𝔩(1|𝑛)). We establish various combinatorial results for these vertex models and symmetric functions, which include the following.(1) We apply the fusion procedure to the fundamental 𝑅-matrix for 𝑈 𝑞 ( ŝ𝔩(1|𝑛)) to obtain an explicit family of vertex weights satisfying the Yang-Baxter equation.(2) We define families of symmetric functions as partition functions for colored, fermionic vertex models under these fused weights. We further establish several combinatorial properties for these symmetric functions, such as branching rules and Cauchy identities.(3) We show that the Lascoux-Leclerc-Thibon (LLT) polynomials arise as special cases of these symmetric functions. This enables us to show both old and new properties about the LLT polynomials, including Cauchy identities, contour integral formulas, stability properties, and branching rules under a certain family of plethystic transformations. (4) A different special case of our symmetric functions gives rise to a new family of polynomials called factorial LLT polynomials. We show they generalize the LLT polynomials, while also satisfying a vanishing condition reminiscent of that satisfied by the factorial Schur functions. ( 5) By considering our vertex model on a cylinder, we obtain fermionic partition function formulas for both the symmetric and nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials. (6) We prove combinatorial formulas for the coefficients of the LLT polynomials when expanded in the modified Hall-Littlewood basis, as partition functions for a 𝑈 𝑞 ( ŝ𝔩(2|𝑛)) vertex model.