The ability of salmon to navigate from the ocean back to their river of origin to spawn acts to reinforce local adaptation and maintenance of unique and heritable traits among salmon populations. Here, the extent to which Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha from the same freshwater breeding groups associate together in the ocean at regional and smaller-scale aggregations prior to homeward migration is evaluated. Natural variation in salmon otolith daily growth bands, strontium isotopes ( 87 Sr/ 86 Sr), and microsatellite DNA were used as intrinsic tags to link the distributions of fish caught in the ocean with their freshwater origins. Adults were caught from vessels by hook and line in small aggregations (7−18 ind.) at the same geographic location (1−24 km of coastline) and time (4−36 h) from 3 ocean regions along central California, USA. Salmon caught together in aggregations were from the same genetic group, and to a lesser extent, of the same natal origin (individual rivers or hatcheries). However, at regional scales, adult salmon mixed. Central Valley winter-run Chinook salmon caught together in the ocean varied in the duration of freshwater rearing for up to 2−3 mo prior to seaward migration, suggesting associations within the group were not established in freshwater or maintained over the lifetime of the fish. Our findings are consistent with coarser information indicating stocks are distributed differently in time and space, but larger sample sizes are required to evaluate the consistency of patterns at smaller spatial scales. This study uncovers freshwater associations prior to homeward migration, a principle and undocumented prerequisite of the collective navigation hypothesis.