in polymer networks
leads to intrinsic structural
inhomogeneities that result in brittle materials. Replacing fixed
covalent crosslinks with mobile ones in mechanically interlocked polymers
(MIPs), such as in slide-ring networks (SRNs) in which interlocked
crosslinks are formed when polymer chains are threaded through crosslinked
rings, can lead to tougher, more robust networks. An alternative class
of MIPs is the polycatenane network (PCN), in which the covalent crosslinks
are replaced with interlocked rings that introduce the unusual catenane’s
mobility elements (elongation, rotation, and twisting) as connections
between polymer chains. A slide-ring polycatenane network (SR-PCN),
with doubly threaded rings embedded as crosslinks in a covalent network,
combines the mobility features of both the SRNs and PCNs, where the
catenated ring crosslinks can slide along the polymer backbone between
the two limits of network bonding (covalent and interlocked). This
work explores using a metal ion-templated doubly threaded pseudo[3]rotaxane
(P3R) crosslinker, combined with a covalent crosslinker and a chain
extender, to access such networks. A catalyst-free nitrile-oxide/alkyne
cycloaddition polymerization was used to vary the ratio of P3R and
covalent crosslinker to yield a series of SR-PCNs that vary in the
amount of interlocked crosslinking units. Studies on their mechanical
properties show that metal ions fix the rings in the network, leading
to similar behavior as the covalent PEG gels. Removal of the metal
ion frees the rings resulting in a high-frequency transition attributed
to the additional relaxation of polymer chains through the catenated
rings while also increasing the rate of poroelastic draining at longer