. Can. J. Chem. 62, 922 (1984).The structures and relative energies of seven possible CINHs" isomers have been calculated using nb initio molecular orbital theory. Structure optimisations havc been performed with a 4-31G basis set, using both thc restricted (RHF) and unrestricted (UHF) Hartree-Fock methods. The optimum geometries wcre then used for single point calculations using the 6-31G" basis set. The relative energies are 1 < 7 < 5 < 3 = 2 = 6 < 4 . This order is the same, with the exception of 6 , as for isomers on the C2H40+' surface and the relative energies are very similar to those on the C,H,O" surface. The structures of the radical cations C2NHs+' are compared with those of the neutral molecules C2NHs. Faisant appel 5 la thCorie nb irlitio des orbitales molCculaires, on a calculC les structures et les knergies relatives des sept isomkres possibles pour le CINHs+'. On a optimisC les structures ii I'aide d'une base 4-31G et en utilisant les mCthodes restraintes (RHF) et non-restraintes (UHF) de Hartree-Fock. On a ensuite utilisC les geomktries optimales pour faire des calculs en un point unique a I'aide d'une base 6-31G*. Les Cnergies relatives sont dans I'ordre 1 < 7 < 5 < 3 = 2 = 6 < 4 .A I'exception de 6 , I'ordre est le mCme que pour les isomkres sur la surface de CzH40+' et les Cnergies relatives sont trks semblables a celles sur la surface de C2H40". On compare les structures des radicaux cations CINHS+' avec celles des molCcules neutres C2NHS.[Traduit par le journal]There has been considerable experimental (1-4) and theoretical (5, 6) work on the structures, stabilities, and relative energies of various isomers on the C2H40+' energy hypersurface. The isoelectronic C2NHs+' species is one of the principal ions in the mass spectra of nitrogen-containing compounds and five different isomers (1 -5) have been identified (7,8). Deuterium labelling studies have established 5 to be the base peak for pyrrolidine and both 3 and 5 are produced from piperidine (9). From metastable ion studies different ions, given structures 1, 2, 3, and 4 and/or 5, were shown to retain their structural identities prior to fragmentation by loss of hydrogen atom (7), and subsequent studies (8) using collisioninduced dissociation have established that 5 is the dominant ion, with 4 being produced only from aziridine. Ion 2 (or its cis-isomer 6) has also been reported as a minor product in the laser photolysis of methylamine (lo), but no structural information was provided.The transient nature of these ions precludes a detailed experimental study of their structures and even the relative energies of these ions are not known. We now report an ab initio molecular orbital study of the C,NHst' energy hypersurface in which we determine the relative energies of isomers 1 4 6 and we also report details of their structures. All structures were found to be at minima on the surface and an additional structure, 7, not previously mentioned in the literature was found to be at the second lowest minimum. Initally all structures were subjected...