Achieving kinetic
control to synthesize metastable compounds is
a challenging task, especially in solid-state reactions where the
diffusion is slow. Another challenge is the unambiguous crystal structure
determination for metastable compounds when high-quality single crystals
suitable for single-crystal X-ray diffraction are inaccessible. In
this work, we report an unconventional means of synthesis and an effective
strategy to solve the crystal structure of an unprecedented metastable
compound LiNi12B8. This compound can only be
produced upon heating a metastable layered boride, HT-Li0.4NiB (HT: high temperature), in
a sealed niobium container. A conventional heating and annealing of
elements do not yield the title compound, which is consistent with
the metastable nature of LiNi12B8. The process
to crystallize this compound is sensitive to the annealing temperature
and dwelling time, a testament to the complex kinetics involved in
the formation of the product. The unavailability of crystals suitable
for single-crystal X-ray diffraction experiments prompted solving
the crystal structure from high-resolution synchrotron powder X-ray
diffraction data. This compound crystallizes in a new structure type
with space group I4/mmm (a = 10.55673(9) Å, c = 10.00982(8)
Å, V = 1115.54(3) Å3, Z = 6). The resulting complex crystal structure of LiNi12B8 is confirmed by scanning transmission electron
microscopy and solid-state 11B and 7Li NMR spectroscopy
analyses. The extended Ni framework with Li/Ni disorder in its crystal
structure resulted in the spin-glass or cluster glass type magnetic
ordering below 24 K. This report illustrates a “contemporary
twist” to traditional methodologies toward synthesizing a metastable
compound and provides a recipe for solving structures by combining
the complementary characterization techniques in the cases where the
traditionally used single-crystal X-ray diffraction method is nonapplicable.