Background: Olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB) is a rare neuroectodermal tumor with a propensity for lymph node and distant metastases in a proportion of cases, presenting opportunities for cytological diagnosis. Insulinoma-associated protein 1 ( INSM1) is a recently identified marker of neuroendocrine differentiation with higher sensitivity and specificity than traditional neuroendocrine immunostains used in diagnosis of ONB.Methods: Archival aspirates diagnosed as metastatic ONB were retrieved and reviewed for described characteristics of ONB. Spare direct smears with sufficient cellular material from each case were selected, if available, and immunocytochemistry for INSM1 was performed on the destained alcohol-fixed smears. INSM1 was also performed on non-neuroendocrine malignant round cell tumors (MRCT).Results: Seven fine needle aspirates (FNA) from five patients were identified, all of which showed a small round cell tumor with fine to coarse granular chromatin. Most cases had moderate to high cellularity, comprised of loosely cohesive clusters and dispersed cells. While two-cell pattern, nuclear streaking and moulding were frequent, background neuropil, fibrillary cytoplasm, and rosettes were uncommon.INSM1 immunostaining performed on spare direct smears showed strong positivity in 30%-100% of tumor cells (mean: 62%) in all aspirates tested (100%). In comparison with other immunostains, INSM1 showed more robust staining, and was easier to interpret. All non-neuroendocrine MRCTs were negative for INSM1.
Conclusion:Metatstatic ONB can resemble other small round cell tumors, as all the diagnostic features of ONB may not be readily evident. INSM1 immunocytochemistry has high sensitivity and specificity and can reliably be used as a single marker to support the cytomorphology for a confirmatory diagnosis of ONB, even on direct smears if a cell block is not available.