Recent studies have reported cold seeps offshore of Mocha Island. Gas hydrate occurrences along the Chilean margin could explain seeps presence. Gas-phase (gas hydrate and free gas) and geothermal gradients were estimated analysing two seismic sections. Close to Mocha Island (up to 20 km) were detected high (up to 1900 m/s) and low (1260 m/s) velocities associated with high gas hydrate (up to 20% of total volume) and free gas (up to 1.1% of total volume) concentrations, respectively. A variable and high geothermal gradient (65-110 • C/km) was obtained. These results are related to high supply of deep fluids canalised by faults and fractures. Faraway from Mocha Island (>60 km), free gas concentrations decrease to 0.3% of total volume and low geothermal gradient (from 35 to 60 • C/km) are associated with low fluids supply. Finally, we propose gas hydrate dissociation processes as the main supply source for seeps in the vicinity of Mocha Island. These processes can be caused by: (a) active faults and seismic activity; and (b) warm fluid expulsion from deeper zones altering hydrate stability conditions. In both cases, gas hydrate dissociation could generate slope instability and landslides, as occurred in the past in this region and reported in the literature.Energies 2018, 11, 3062 2 of 13 close to 3000 km (from 33 • S until 56 • S). In the second case, some authors have modelled possible scenarios for gas hydrate dissociation in shallow water (from 150 to 600 m water depth) considering the increasing temperature due to the global warming and the consequent potential methane release into the atmosphere. They concluded that the gas hydrate dissociation processes are induced just by a slight increment of temperature [25][26][27][28][29][30][31]. In this context, gas hydrate estimates contribute to evaluate submarine geohazards, global warming contribution related to gas hydrate dissociation and the potential methane reservoir. Moreover, estimates of methane stored in marine sediments as gas hydrate and free gas phases can be used to model more realistic scenarios associated with gas hydrates dissociation and its effects as a greenhouse gas.Relationships between gas hydrates and cold seeps have been documented in active and passive margins [5,[31][32][33][34][35][36], in which chemosynthetic communities, authigenic carbonate nodules, enrichment stable isotopes in pore water, and faults and fractures, connected with BSR and detected in seismic profiles, can be related to gas hydrate presence.The present study adds new information regarding gas-phase concentrations of the southern Chilean margin by using seismic and theoretical velocity models (Figure 1). Mocha Island is characterised by active seismicity and constitutes an emerged block uplifted during the Quaternary in the Arauco peninsula [37,38]. Further, Mocha Island is known for intertidal and subtidal gas seepage system [39,40] and deeper seeps at 1400 water depth [41], whose presence probably is related to gas hydrates dissociation. In this context, gas-phase est...