Abstract. Two porosity-dependent parameters that affect gas transport in soils, gas diffusivity and air permeability, were assessed as possible indicators of methane oxidation rates. Soil gas diffusivity was measured in intact cores in the laboratory and in situ, and air permeability was measured in intact cores. An in situ method of measuring gas diffusivity was specifically modified for this purpose to use Freon in a portable probe. A laboratory (core) method of measuring gas diffusivity, using krypton 85, was also employed. Measurements were made at the soil surface and at a range of depths within the topsoil, in conjunction with in situ measurements of CH 4 oxidation, in forest, arable, and set-aside soils at a lowland site and in a forest soil at an upland site, in southeast Scotland. The surface layer of soil caused marked variations in diffusivity measurements, particularly with the in situ method. At the upland site, where a 50-mm-thick surface organic layer was present, the in situ technique revealed a sharp decrease in diffusivity with depth. Only where gas transport was low, in the set-aside soil, was methane oxidation rate influenced by gas transport changes associated with increasing soil water content. Differences in CH 4 oxidation rates related better to core gas diffusivities than to in situ diffusivities. The relationship was best at 50-150 mm depth where diffusivities were lower than at the surface. Air permeability, which is affected more by soil structure than diffusivity, appeared to be as relevant as the latter parameter to CH 4 oxidation rate, particularly for land use changes associated with agriculture. Thus CH 4 oxidation rate appears to be influenced by gas transport properties and soil structure, either at the surface in the litter layer or below the surface where the oxidizing microorganisms are likely to occur. ferent depths. We also assessed the suitability of the in situ technique in soils where gas transport varied with depth because of the presence of organic surface layers. Air permeability and porosity were also measured on intact cores, using laboratory techniques.We also measured transport properties on several occasions at one site, in order to estimate the importance of temporal variation in soil transport properties for CH 4 uptake.
Methods and Materials
Sites and SoilsMeasurements were made at two sites in southeast Scotland.
Measurement TechniquesGas diffusivity was measured either in situ or in the laboratory on core samples.In situ diffusivity was measured using the method of Ball et al. [1994] but modified to use Freon 22 as diffusing gas instead of 85Kr. This modification involved the construction of a probe similar to the original but containing a small semiconductor gas sensor instead of a Geiger-M011er detector. The sensor is a hollow cylinder 3.5 mm long and 1.2 mm in overall diameter mounted horizontally within a gas cell of diameter 66 mm and length 70 mm. The sensor, which is coated with activated tin dioxide and is specific to Freons, was calibrated separa...