Members of the domain Archaea contribute about 0.3 to 3.3% of the microbial small subunit (16S and 18S) rRNA in the rumen (22,39,60). Archaea have a range of different metabolisms and are found in many habitats (6), but those known to exist in the rumen are strictly anaerobic methanogens. Yanagita et al. (59) observed that 2.8 to 4.0% of ruminal microorganisms displayed autofluorescence characteristic of F 420 , a methanogen cofactor, able to be seen under UV illumination during microscopy. Taken together with the small subunit rRNA abundance data, this suggests that a large part of the archaeal population is made up of methanogens. Most species of methanogens can grow using H 2 and often formate as their energy sources and use the electrons derived from H 2 (or formate) to reduce CO 2 to CH 4 . Some species can grow with methyl groups, oxidizing some to CO 2 to produce electrons that are used to reduce further methyl groups to methane. A few species can grow with acetate, effectively dissimilating acetate to CH 4 and CO 2 . However, acetate is not metabolized to CH 4 to any significant extent in the rumen (13). This is probably because the rate of passage of rumen contents through the rumen is greater than the growth rate of acetateutilizing methanogens (53).In a normally functioning rumen, proteins and polymeric carbohydrates, which usually make up the largest part of the incoming feed, are fermented by a mixed microbial community to volatile fatty acids (VFAs), NH 4 ϩ , CO 2 , and H 2 . The hydrogen is metabolized by the methanogens. The VFAs are taken up by the animal across the rumen wall and serve as major carbon and energy sources for the ruminant. A part of the VFAs, undigested feed components, and microbial cells leave the rumen and enter the rest of the animal's digestive tract. The central role of H 2 in the rumen fermentation (12) means that, although methanogenic archaea make up only a small part of the rumen microbial biomass, they play an important role in rumen function and animal nutrition. Efficient H 2 removal leads to a nutritionally more favorable pattern of VFA formation and to an increased rate of fermentation by eliminating the inhibitory effect of H 2 on the microbial fermentation (26, 53).The rumen can be simplistically described as an open system with discontinuous solid (feed) and liquid (saliva and drinking water) inputs and multiple fractions that have different turnover rates (53). The methanogens in the rumen are found free in the rumen fluid, attached to particulate material and rumen protozoa, associated as endosymbionts within rumen protozoa, and attached to the rumen epithelium. The methanogens associated with these different fractions can be expected to have different growth rates since they will be removed from the rumen at different rates. In addition, the animal itself and the feed also influence the rate of passage of digesta through the rumen system (25). These different habitats may allow niche division among the methanogens and may explain some of the observed phyloge...