In N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced colon cancer modeling in rats, it was aimed to evaluate the regressive effect of grayanotoxin-rich Turkish mad honey and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), separately and together. Study groups were control group (CG), cancer control group (CCG), 5-Flourouracil group (FUG), Turkish mad honey group (HG), Turkish mad honey and 5-FU combined group (FU-HG). WBC, lymphocyte, eosinophil, basophil, serum LDH, TOS, and total protein values determined in the rats in the CCG were significantly lower than the values determined in the rats in CG, and serum Bcl-2 and survivin levels were significantly higher. The presence of anaplastic epithelial cells, vascularization, precancerous changes, and inflammatory infiltration detected in the colon and small intestine of the rats in FU-HG, FUG, HG were less intense (p