The methionine sulfoxide reductase (Msr) family of proteins is a class of repair enzymes that reduce methionine-S (MsrA) or methionine-R (MsrB) sulfoxide to methionine. Recent studies have reported that mutations in the MSRB3 gene cause autosomal recessive hearing loss in humans, and in mice MsrB3 deficiency leads to profound hearing loss due to hair cell apoptosis and stereocilia degeneration. However, apart from MsrB3, studies on Msr proteins in the inner ear have not yet been reported. In this study, we identified and characterized Msr expression in the cochlea and vestibule. First, we confirmed RNA expression levels of Msr family members in the cochlea and vestibule using reverse transcription PCR and detected Msr family members in both tissues. We also conducted immunohistochemical staining to localize Msr family members within the cochlea and vestibule. In the cochlea, MsrA was detected in supporting cells, spiral ligament, spiral limbus, Reissner's membrane and the spiral ganglion. MsrB1 was specifically expressed in hair cells and the spiral ganglion. MsrB2 was noted in the spiral ganglion, tectorial membrane and stria vascularis. In the vestibule, MsrA and MsrB1 were detected in hair cells and the vestibular ganglion, while MsrB2 was restricted to the vestibular ganglion. In this study, we identified distinct distributions of Msr family members in the organ of Corti and hypothesized that MsrA, MsrB1 and MsrB2 protect proteins in the organ of Corti from oxidative stress.