The tire life depends on many factors, such as the correct loading of the dump truck, longitudinal and transverse slopes of the road, turning radius, internal tire pressure, uniform distribution of the loaded ore, average operating speed of the dump truck, road surface, its condition and type, driver skill, ambient temperature, etc. It has been studied that one of the ways to increase the mileage of tires can be to reduce the number of sections, if technically possible, with longitudinal slopes of more than 8%. Based on the results of the experiment conducted at Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine, standard mileage of large-size Michelin tires for average operating conditions has been developed, i.e. with an average longitudinal (4%) road slope along the entire length of the transportation route and a strength factor of the mined rock of 7, according to the M.Protodyakonov scale, from which the quarry road is laid. This makes it possible to estimate the tire service life in any quarry conditions according to the developed standard mileage. Based on the test results, recommendations were developed for the rotation of large-size dump truck tires separately for the summer period and separately for other seasons, as well as recommendations for the correct use of tires.