The phenomenological implications of supersymmetric theories with low scale supersymmetry breaking and a squark as the lightest standard model superpartner are investigated. Such squarks hadronize with light quarks, forming sbaryons and mesinos before decaying. Production of these supersymmetric bound states at a high energy collider can lead to displaced jets with large negative impact parameter. Neutral mesino-antimesino oscillations are not forbidden by any symmetry and can occur at observable rates with distinctive signatures. Stop mesino-antimesino oscillations would give a sensitive probe of up-type sflavor violation in the squark sector, and can provide a discovery channel for supersymmetry through events with a same-sign top-top topology. Supersymmetry (SUSY) allows the standard model to be embedded in more fundamental theories characterized by much higher energy scales, such as the Grand Unified or Planck scales, by stabilizing the electroweak scale against quadratic radiative corrections. In order to maintain this stability, the supersymmetry breaking masses for the superpartners of the ordinary particles should be of order the electroweak scale. However, the underlying mechanism and scale of this spontaneous breaking, as well as the superpartner spectrum, remain at present largely unknown.If the intrinsic scale of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking is below a scale intermediate between the electroweak and Planck scales, the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is the gravitino superpartner of the graviton. The identity of the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) is model-dependent, and largely determines the phenomenological signatures for supersymmetry [1].In this letter the consequences of a squark NLSP are explored. While perhaps unconventional, a squark NLSP can occur in theories of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking in which the strongly interacting messenger fields have suppressed couplings to spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. Beyond the theoretical motivation, this scenario leads to very novel phenomenology. Squarks hadronize in sbaryon or mesino bound states. Decay of these states can give rise to displaced jets with angular distributions which differ significantly from displaced jets from heavy quark decay. In addition, neutral mesinoantimesino oscillations are not forbidden and could provide a very sensitive probe of sflavor violation in the squark sector. Rather than representing a very specialized measurement which could only be attempted once the existence of superpartners is established, mesinoantimesino oscillations can in fact provide a discovery channel for SUSY at high energy colliders.Squark Decay and Hadronization.-With low scale supersymmetry breaking and conserved R-parity, the NLSP is metastable. The only available coupling for decay is through the Goldstino components,G, of the gravitino. The two-body decay rate for an up-type squark NLSP, Q → q G, including general (s)flavor misalignment between the quark and squark mass eigenstates, is given bywhere √ F is t...