“…However, a prerequisite for the acquisition of meaningful data, particularly with regard to predictors of contagion in the index seropositive partner, is the ability to confirm, with a high level of confidence, epidemiological linkage of HIV-1 transmission between members of all putative transmission pairs. Molecular analyses of suspected transmission links have been widely used to characterize localized HIV-1 outbreaks, mother-to-infant transmission, sexual transmission, sharing of contaminated needles, donation of contaminated blood, receipt of contaminated clotting reagent, nosocomial transmissions from health care workers, and intrafamilial contacts (1,4,5,6,13,18,21,29,36,42,44). In all of these cases, the establishment of epidemiological linkage relied on the documentation of closer genetic relatedness between viruses infecting the suspected transmission pair(s) compared to control viruses isolated from unrelated individuals in the same region.…”