Semiconductors used in the manufacture of solar cells are the subject of extensive research. Currently, silicon is the most commonly used material for photovoltaic cells, representing more than 80% of the global production. However, due to its very energy-intensive and costly production method, other materials appear to be preferable over silicon, including the chalcopyrite-structured semiconductors of the CIS-based family (Cu(In, Ga, Al) (Se, S)2). Indeed, these compounds have bandwidths between 1 eV (CuInSe2) and 3 eV (CuAlS2), allowing them to absorb most solar radiation. Moreover, these materials are currently the ones that make it possible to achieve the highest photovoltaic conversion efficiencies from thin-film devices, particularly Cu(In, Ga)Se2, which is considered the most efficient among all drifts based on CIS. In this review, we focus on the CIGS-based solar cells by exploring the different layers and showing the recent progress and challenges.