The theoretical bases of the formation of the organizational mechanism of management of economic safety of construction enterprises are generalized. It was noted that the current state of construction enterprises in war conditions has revealed many problems with regard to the efficiency of the use of basic funds, innovative activity and the level of automation of technological processes in the poor. All these problems significantly affect the level of provision and management of economic safety of construction enterprises. It is determined that the organizational mechanism of management of economic safety of the construction enterprise should include the interaction of two subsystems: management, which affects the level of economic security of the building enterprise, and subordinate, on which this influence is directed. Functions of the economic safety management system of the construction enterprise ensure the interaction of these systems. It was noted that the management mechanism of economic safety of the construction enterprise should ensure the development of the basic principles of the management system, the creation of the economic security service at the enterprise, the collection of necessary information and supervision of compliance with the planned indicators. On the basis of the definition of the main elements of the organizational mechanism of management of economic safety of the construction enterprise, the conclusion was made that the organization mechanism is a set of organizational components in the management mechanism (objectives, functions and tasks of management, technologies and methods of management; rules, norms and principles; organizational processes), which have a certain management influence on ensuring economic security and preserving the commercial interests of the business entity. Defined directions of the organization of the process of management of economic security, as well as requirements to the organizational structure of management. It was concluded that the formation of an organizational mechanism for the management of economic safety of construction enterprises will enable them to provide stable work, to conduct timely identification and prevention of threats, to determine their impact on enterprise activities, to take management decisions promptly to prevent or eliminate the risk of threat.