The purpose of this paper is to develop practical recommendations for managing the innovation activities of small and large enterprises in the face of increasing competition. As a result of the study, the peculiarities of managing the innovation activity of a small manufacturing enterprise based on the application of the diffusion of innovation method for such management functions as management, production, marketing, and human resources have been identified and generalized. A mechanism has been developed to implement the scientific and technical policy of small manufacturing enterprises, the key feature of which is the possibility of introducing innovations. An algorithm for the formation of the most optimal program for the innovative development of a small manufacturing enterprise is proposed, within the framework of which the innovation process is proposed to be considered in the form of logically indivisible organizational, managerial and technological operations, taking into account the assessment of the size and form of the required resource support for each operation, as well as its economic efficiency. As a result of the study, a technique was obtained that allows determining the most optimal program of innovative development based on the analysis and comparison of their necessary resource support and economic effect from implementation.