“…In the previous studies by the SoTeRiA laboratory at UIUC, Fire I-PRA was applied to a critical fireinduced scenario (i.e., a small-break loss-of-coolant accident due to stuck-open pressurizer valves induced by a switchgear room fire) in an NPP [31] that has improved the realism of PRA, leading to a 50% reduction in the total core damage frequency associated with the selected scenario. As compared to the current Fire PRA methodology based on NUREG/CR-6850 [26], Fire I-PRA advances three aspects [31]: Table 1 summarizes four aspects that Fire I-PRA [30] has advanced, as compared to the current Fire PRA methodology based on NUREG/CR-6850 [25] and its subsequent NUREGs and Fire PRA FAQs. As compared to the current Fire PRA methodology, the I-PRA framework creates a "unified" connection between the Plant-Specific PRA Module and the underlying physics and human performance models, where the communications of data and information among multiple levels of causality (i.e., fire growth, detection and suppression, cable damage, component failure, and system failure) are generated in a single computational platform [31].…”