We reanalyzed the data from the study of Lamarre, Busby, and Spidalieri (1983) Bimodal detection tasks have often been used to study the mechanisms operating when attention is divided between the auditory and the visual modalities (see Stanislaw, 1988, for a review). Raab (1962) was one of the first to study a speeded version of this task. Observers were required to respond as quickly as possible to a visual signal, an auditory signal, or both (i.e., redundant signals), and Raab found that responses to redundant signals were faster, on average, than those to either the visual or the auditory signals by themselves. This redundant-signalseffect (RSE) has since been replicated many times (e.g., Corballis, 1998;Diederich, 1995;Diederich & Colonius, 1987;Giray & Ulrich, 1993;Hughes, Reuter-Lorenz, Nozawa, & Fendrich, 1994;Marzi et al., 1996;Marzi, Tassinari, Aglioti, & Lutzemberger, 1986;Miller, 1982Miller, , 1986Schwarz & Ischebeck, 1994).Quantitative analyses of the RSE have provided insights into the explanation of the speed-up in redundant trials. Raab (1962) suggested that the effect might be explained by a race model. According to this model, the response in each trial is initiated by detection of either the visual signal or the auditory one. In single-signal trials, the response cannot be initiated until the presented signal is detected, but in redundant-signals trials, the response can be initiated as soon as either signal is detected. Raab showed that such a model could explain the RSE, essentially because the winner of a race goes faster, on average, than either of the runners in the race.Although Raab's (1962) race model provides an intuitively plausible account of the reduced mean reaction time (RT) in redundant-signals trials, analyses of RT distributions indicate that this model cannot explain the full speed-up in redundant-signalstrials. Miller (1982) showed that Raab's model requires RTs on visual, auditory, and redundant trials to obey the following inequality: